
A Better Way to Quantify the Safety of AVs

In recent years, the world of autonomous vehicles has been advancing by leaps and bounds. However, despite the advancements, they still have a long way to go before they can be considered truly safe. 

May 3, 2023

In recent years, the world of autonomous vehicles has been advancing by leaps and bounds. Autonomous cars are now a reality, and many companies are working hard to develop the technology to make them even more advanced. However, despite the advancements, they still have a long way to go before they can be considered truly safe. 

To ensure that autonomous vehicles are safe, the industry has been focused on developing better safety protocols and better sensors and cameras to monitor the environment. Better decision-making algorithms also ensure that the vehicles make the right decisions, while better communication protocols between cars and other objects on the road are another step in the right direction.

But while some safety standards and regulations are in place, they often need to go further to ensure that autonomous vehicles are safe enough to be on the roads. Furthermore, due to the complexity of the technology, it is often difficult to accurately assess their safety.

The industry could also benefit from the development of better safety regulations. These regulations would ensure that autonomous vehicles are held to the highest standards and help the vehicles operate safely on the roads. This could involve developing a comprehensive set of metrics and benchmarks that can be used to assess the safety of autonomous vehicles. Additionally, the industry could also benefit from establishing a system of real-world testing that would allow testing autonomous vehicles in simulated or actual driving conditions.

Is there a better way to quantify safety? We believe so. Streetscope Collision Hazard Measure is an objective, quantifiable, repeatable and independent way to measure any vehicle's safety, whether autonomous or not. When implemented by autonomous vehicle providers, it can provide a standard to measure safety improvements over time and give the public and regulators confidence that they are ready for widespread deployment.


Image courtesy of aiPod

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